Thank you for choosing to support many more years of inspiring, educating, and welcoming audiences, students, and professional musicians alike through the transformative power of music.
You are the very community that united us in 1995 and you are that same community that believes in everything we stand for today in order to bring a brighter tomorrow for all of us — to our aspiring students, to our talented artists, to our committed patrons and donors — please make a donation now to ensure that we are here and strong for countless years to come.
Donate now to support:
More beautiful music in the mountains, in partnership with the Resort
The continued growth of Wintergreen Music
Hiring & employment of talented Festival Artists
Live concerts from the mountaintop, in the valley, and in partner venues
Ongoing music education in Nelson County
Festival & educational planning & production
The collective cultural destination at the Wintergreen Music Festival
Please contribute to Wintergreen Music as you are able!
More Ways to Support Wintergreen Music:
Ticket sales account for less than 30% of our income each year and we could not exist without the financial assistance of individual donors.
ONLINE: Please use the donate button to make your donation online.
BY CHECK: Donations by check can be made out to Wintergreen Music or Wintergreen Performing Arts and mailed to:
Wintergreen Music
PO Box 816
Nellysford, VA 22958
BY PHONE: Call 434.361.0541 (visit for updated office hours).
BY RECURRING PAYMENT: Consider making an automated weekly, monthly, bi-monthly, or quarterly gift to Wintergreen Music. Contact or call 434.361.0541 for more information.
STOCK DONATION: Contact Ruth Key with Davenport & Company at 434.245.1545 or email (600 E Water St, Suite A, Charlottesville, VA 22902-5361, DTC #0443).
Wintergreen Music EIN: 54-1828449
MULTI-YEAR COMMITMENTS: Several donors have increased their support through multi-year gifts supporting initiatives ranging from staff capacity-building, artistic excellence, and education. To learn more about special scholarships and named funds, click here. Ask us about how you can join in this important movement by investing in multi-year pledges. Contact Corinne Horvath for more information.
PLANNED GIVING – LEGACY SOCIETY: Make a lasting impact for generations to come by ensuring our long-term security and growth! You can easily add Wintergreen Music as a beneficiary in your retirement accounts or adjust estate plans to become a member. Membership can also be anonymous, and donors need not indicate the details of the gift. Join these 33 donors & counting today! Learn more
EDUCATION: A gift designated in support of Wintergreen Music educational efforts will be used to fund eligible students enrolling in the LEAD Cooperative and help us continue to provide free tuition for all accepted students. To make a contribution to support the free tuition and barrier breaking education initiative, please click here. Contact Corinne Horvath ( to discuss underwriting a program (instrumental, voice, conducting, etc.), concert sponsorship, and special fund support, and click here to learn more.
Special Thanks to our 2024 LEAD Cooperative Supporters and Sponsors of the LEAD Cooperative Chamber Music Concerts:
Suzzane McQueen, Ken Heise & Armand McQueen in memory of Sidney J. McQueen
Anonymous in memory of Sidney J. McQueen
Ken & Letty Rosen in memory of Edward J. Solomon
Russ & Mary Jo Russell in memory of Edward J. Solomon
Karen Saganic in memory of Sidney J. McQueen
Susan B Solomon in memory of Edward J. Solomon
Susan Talarico & Mike Sundermeyer
John & Nanci Taylor
Henry ("Van") & Edith Wittig van Wageningen
Randy & Janelle Carroll
Beth Colmery
Bobbi & Lewis Dunn
Dorothy Giarla & John Govoni in memory of Sidney J. McQueen
Anne Heise & Family in memory of Sidney J. McQueen
Tom & Karinne Heise in memory of Sidney J. McQueen
Doug & Sherilyn Henry
Jim & Judy Kramer
David & Sarah McCracken dedicated to the McCracken Founders Education Scholarship
Wintergreen Music has a wonderful tradition of thanking donors through concert and event sponsorship in concert materials. Circle Level donors will be eligible to purchase tickets to exclusive in-home concerts with Festival Artists in advance of the public. Circle Level donors ($1,000+) and Legacy Society members are invited to attend the Donor Appreciation Brunch event on Sunday, July 14. Donors $5,000+ are also eligible for a concierge service prior to ticket sale launch. Thank you for your generous support of Wintergreen Music!
Contact Corinne ( today to discuss or create a concert sponsorship that’s right for you!
BRAVO ($1,000 – $2,499): Morning Coffee Talks; Educational Events
MAESTRO ($2,500 – $4,999): Wednesday & Thursday Night Concerts
SILVER BATON ($5,000 – $9,999)*: Friday Night Pops Concerts; Special Events
GOLD BATON ($10,000 – $14,999)*: Saturday & Sunday MountainTop Masterworks Concerts; Opening Night
EMERALD BATON ($15,000 – $19,999)*: Custom Festival Concert Choice Recognition
DIAMOND BATON ($20,000 – $34,999)*: Custom Festival Concert Choice Recognition; LEAD Program Sponsorship
PLATINUM BATON ($35,000 – $49,999)*: Series Recognition; Venue Sponsorship
PLATINUM PLUS ($50,000+)*: Series Recognition; Venue Sponsorships; Multi-Year Options
*Circle Donors Enjoy:
Two complimentary tickets to your "sponsored event".
*Option to claim two additional tickets for a total of four.
*Enjoy first-tier access to purchase tickets for in-home concerts
Please let us know if you wish your sponsorship to be anonymous or if you have any requests. We will do our very best to match concerts/events to your preference. Donations and requests must be received prior to June 5, 2025 to be matched with a 2025 concert sponsorship and printed in the program book. Eligible donations must have been made between June 5, 2024 to June 5, 2025.
BUSINESS SPONSORSHIPS: Wintergreen Music is extremely grateful to the businesses who partner with us in support of the Wintergreen Music Festival and other events. To learn more about the excellent opportunities available for reaching our audience members, contact us at or 434.361.0541. Please also learn more about how to advertise with us here.
VOLUNTEER: An unbelievable number of tireless volunteers ensure the success of every event by sharing their time and talents. Join the Volunteer Guild and learn how you can help.
HOUSING & IN-KIND DONATIONS: If you would like to learn more about housing a musician or guest artist at your Wintergreen home during the month of July, click here. To provide a meal for LEAD Cooperative students, please contact us by email or phone at 434.361.0541. Click to download the in-kind donation form.
Special thanks to those who supported the most successful Benefit fundraising event on record, especially the 2024 Benefit Host Committee!

A financial statement is available upon written request from the Office of Charitable and Regulatory Programs, Commonwealth of Virginia.